Move edit and dict programs
To eliminate the hacker threat mentioned earlier you can always use -rq in the startup script for Mfg/Pro. It would be really nice to run it with -rr, but it won't work out of the box. I'm not exactly sure why yet, however it's possible that it's hitting a source snag somewhere. The error message is different though...investigating...
The work-around I have at this stage is just putting the Editor and Data Dictionary programs out of arms reach. The programs to move out of their natural habitat (in UNIX, probably $DLC/tty/_edit.r and $DLC/tty/_dict.r) into a place that only your developers have access to, also renaming them. You could just change the mode on them, but make sure to get rid of read permissions as well; I'd make them 440 - period. I would advise creating a qad and a qaddev group - developers would be members of both groups, users would be members of qad only.
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